The 21st computer animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the movie is based on the legend of Robin Hood, yet uses anthropomorphic pets instead of people. The tale follows the experiences of Robin Hood, Little John as well as the citizens of Nottingham as they combat versus the too much taxation of Royal prince John, as well as Altruistic wins the hand of House cleaning Marian.
Alan-a-Dale introduces the tale of Altruistic and Little John, 2 criminals residing in Sherwood Forest, where they burglarize from the rich as well as offer to the bad townsfolk of Nottingham, in spite of the initiatives of the Sheriff of Nottingham to quit them. Meanwhile, Prince John and his aide Sir Hiss get there in Nottingham on a tour of the kingdom. Recognizing the royal train is stuffed with riches, Robin as well as Little John rob Royal prince John by camouflaging themselves as foreteller. The ashamed Prince John then places a bounty on their heads and makes the Sheriff his personal tax enthusiast, that gets a kick out of gathering funds from the townsfolk including covert money from the crippled blacksmith Otto and also a solitary farthing from a young rabbit, Skippy, who had just obtained it as a birthday present. Nonetheless, Altruistic, camouflaged as a beggar, sneaks in as well as returns some money to the family members, along with his hat and a bow to Skippy in honor of his birthday.
Skippy as well as his buddies examine out the bow, but Skippy terminates an arrow right into the grounds of House cleaning Marian's castle. The youngsters creep within, meeting House maid Marian and also her attendant Girl Kluck. Skippy "saves" Marian from Female Kluck, that claims to be a pompous Royal prince John. Later on, when she is alone with Kluck, Maid Marian reveals she and also Robin were childhood sweeties but they have not seen one another for several years, and also Kluck consoles her not to give up on her love for Robin. At the same time, Friar Tuck gos to Robin as well as Little John, explaining that Prince John is hosting an archery event, and also the winner will get a kiss from House cleaning Marian. Robin makes a decision to participate in the competition disguised as a stork whilst Little John disguises himself as the Battle each other of Chutney to get near Prince John. Sir Hiss discovers Robin's identity but is trapped in a barrel of ale by Friar Tuck as well as Alan-a-Dale. Robin wins the tournament, however Royal prince John reveals him and has him detained for implementation in spite of Cleaning lady Marian's pleas. Little John endangers Prince John in order to release Robin, which results in a battle in between Royal prince John's soldiers as well as the townsfolk, all of which escape to Sherwood Woodland.
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